Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to Host a Wholesome Swinger Party

We host swinger parties.  And here’s the problem with swinger parties.

When you were 21, what did you enjoy doing?  Did you like nightclubs, drinking, picking up on intoxicated members of the opposite sex?  Did you meet your spouse at a bar while dancing to loud music?  If this was your life as a twenty-something, then as a thirty-plus-something swinger, these kind of parties invoke nostalgia as the two of you enjoy the swinging lifestyle.

But for some of us, when we were 21, we lived studious church-going lives.  Some of us never went to a strip club or bar.  We met our spouse at a religious retreat.  Now that we’re swingers, we want to have sex with other couples, but how do we meet them?  It’s challenging.  Of course, the internet is a great way, but it lacks the face-to-face.  That’s why we attend swinger events.  But most of the swinger events are designed as a continuation of the night-club scene of which we were never a part.  At best, the swinger events are at mid-quality venues. At worst: a dive-joint.  The music is so loud that it’s impossible to talk to others; the venues may have restrictions on sexual activities, the lighting is dark, and the fog machine makes it a challenge to breathe.  For some, this is sexy, but if it is, it is only so because it is reminiscent of a time gone by.  If we’re honest with ourselves, this is not the assured segue to an orgy.  How about something with better lighting, quiet but sexy background music, clean, and no restrictions on consensual sexual activity?  I’ve been to tons of swinger parties, but never been to one like that that I didn’t host.  To be fair, I have had a couple of people come to a party that I hosted and complain that the music wasn’t loud enough and that too many lights were on, but by that point, they were drunk and no longer sexy to anyone; they just enjoyed the allure of foreplay that is a nightclub.  If couples are really looking to make an intimate connection so they can engage in all the fun and pleasures that swinging can offer, then the events need to mature and be conducive to swinging.