Thursday, January 20, 2011

Going Online

Well, over the holidays, I started posting on under the topic of, what else . . . , "Mormon Swingers"!

I told my basic story and linked back to this blog.

1 comment:

  1. After reading about 35 pages on the thread you started, all I can say is you have more patience than me. I have to admit, on the topic, the jury is still out for myself. But from the looks of the thread, the posters, and the comments, I’ve comes to some conclusions for most.
    1. The word hypocrite comes to mind. Considering the forum this is on, the subjects discussed, the disclosure of methods, toys, and / or self gratification, you still have people throwing stones. The amount of close mindedness is amazing.
    2. The doctrine and your understanding is a different view. I can not judge if you are correct or misunderstanding them.
    3. If you are currently still active and serving diligently, I can’t say anything more. As you remember, we are in the service of our God. If he doesn’t want you there you would have been released ASAP.
    4. Remember we are still missing doctrine; certain books of Mormon are still sealed.
    5. We as a people, Saints are still not ready for the higher laws, i.e. Law of Consecration for example. This was taken back in Joseph’s time. So we don’t know what’s on the horizon. Is it this, I can’t say one way or another.
    6. As for our Church leaders, I’m still struggling with it myself. As we know what we have been to follow the prophet.

    Best of luck to you.
